About us

A unique factory. In the heart of Berlin. A world of its own.

A factory over 100 years old, hidden in a typical Berlin backyard , an authentic, not over rennovated industrial ambience, that is something of a rarity these days – even in Berlin. The property had been almost abandoned with a high level of vacancy, when the Factory building was purchased by a New York billionnaire who is very interested in culture an fine arts. By now the factory has turned into a place that was even covered by the New York Times. A place where tradesmen, craftspeople, artists and creative companies have found their home.


The history of Fabrik 23 as an event location began with the opening of the first loft The Classroom back in 2014. In each of our six lofts, we strive to create a individual comos. A dream world, consistent in every detail, that aims to excite and inspire people with its originality and simultaneous authenticity. Architectural Digest, the world‘s most renowned magazine for interior and design has ackknowleged Fabrik 23 as one of the 20 brilliant locations to celebrate worldwide, because it captures the spirit of this everchanging city like no other.

Are you interested in our locations? Contact us.

Sales  for your requests 
Email: Info@fabrik23.com 
Tel: 030 658 37 695

Event  for booked events
Email: event@fabrik23.com
Tel: 030 138 840 72

Bankett  for deliveries and logistics
Email: bankett@fabrik23.com
Tel: 030 29 775 575

Office  for cooperations and other requests
Email: office@fabrik23.com
Tel: 030 644 332 43

E-Mail: buchhaltung@fabrik23.com

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